Connected Watch Trade-in Program is not available in your country.
For all previous generations, you will get the credit below on your next purchase of TAG Heuer Connected.
With our Connected Watch Trade-in, you can visit one of the selected TAG Heuer boutique where our program is available, bring your old TAG Heuer Connected watch and benefit from a trade-in credit toward your next purchase of the latest generation. You can also benefit from the program on our website, please discover how it works below.
The Connected Watch Trade-in program is subject to the terms and conditions.
Bring your previous generation TAG Heuer Connected with you when visiting our boutique. Our in-store watch specialists will confirm its eligibility to the Connected Watch Trade-in Program and after such confirmation, they will deduct the applicable credit value from the purchase price of your new TAG Heuer Connected Watch.
SELECTED TAG HEUER BOUTIQUESEach trade-in watch and accessories will be dismantled in order to separate the reusable materials, and to manage any waste in compliance with environmental standards.
To benefit from the Trade-in Program, you must send the Trade-in request to our Customer Care Team within thirty days from your online purchase. After that, the Customer Care team will provide you with instructions on how to ship back the watch you want to trade-in.
Please keep in mind that once we confirm your watch is eligible upon reception, and complete the TAG Heuer Connected Watch Trade-in process, you transfer its ownership to us. We cannot return any trade-in watch once the trade-in has been completed.
Click here to discover the current TAG Heuer Connected Watch Trade-in Terms & Conditions.