To guarantee a watch's quality and authenticity, and ensure that it meets all our quality criteria, always choose an authorized TAG Heuer boutique or retailer.
Many retailers worldwide will present to you our collections and our history. Our official boutiques are also present in many cities. To benefit from the warranty, we recommend that you always buy your watch from an authorized point of sale or TAGHeuer.com.
Find an authorized TAG Heuer point of saleA model name and a serial number are not sufficient to guarantee the authenticity of a TAG Heuer timepiece. It is also necessary to examine several aspects of security and movement.
To guarantee the authenticity of a TAG Heuer watch, we recommend that you always purchase your piece from an authorized dealer, an official boutique, or on TAGHeuer.com.
By ordering on TAGHeuer.com, you are in direct link with TAG Heuer.
You are guaranteed to purchase an authentic and certified product, for which the warranty is automatically activated by the manufacturer upon shipment of your order.
Only official TAG Heuer Service Centres use genuine TAG Heuer components and issue a one-year TAG Heuer warranty on the functioning and water-resistance of your watch.
In each of the 80 TAG Heuer Watch Service Centres worldwide, highly-qualified watchmakers use adequate technical equipment to ensure that your timepiece receives the attention it deserves.