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At TAG Heuer customer satisfaction is a priority. Your dedicated Customer Care advisors around the world are available to answer any kind of request you may have. Either if it’s regarding a product, a repair, a stock availability, or corporate information.
You being able to reach us easily is really important to us. This is why we are available for you via several channels so you can choose the most convenient one for you, among: phone calls, emails, live chat. You can also send us a message via our social media platforms.
TAG Heuer Customer Care advisors are dedicated to you. Either to introduce you to our Maison and collections, assist you select the best watch for you, but also to share advices on how to take care of the ones you already own. All our advisors will be delighted to help you in any occasion.
Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us. With an international presence, TAG Heuer Customer Care advisors are close to you and keen to offer you personalised and memorable experiences.
On top of sharing advices, the Customer Care teams can also take your order over the phone. Enjoy the convenience of a personalised selection among the entire TAG Heuer collection, the security of a pay by link transaction, and a delivery at home. We are glad to propose you this service in the US, UK, France, Germany, Japan and Australia.